Workshop Schedule

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Topic: PMP Hacks Lecture 7
Time: Feb 3, 2018 8:30 PM Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi

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Week Day Activities
Week 1 Sat   • Eligibility criteria
• Exam enrollment procedure
• PMP Hacks: Workshop overview
• Case Study Assignment
• Subject Coverage: Develop Project Charter Process
Week1 Sun   • Integration management
• Stakeholder management – part
• Communication management
• Case study review
• Home work assignment
Homework during the week   • Apply Integration management and stake holder management to case study
• Read PMBoK once for Integration management and stakeholder management
• Take knowledge area based tests
Week2 Sat • Scope management
• Intro to process flow and building the big picture
Week2 Sun Time management
Homework during the week • Case study work out
• Reading Scope mgmt. and Time mgmt.
• KA tests
Week3 Sat • Cost management
Week3 Sun • Quality management
• Process flow revision
Homework during the week • Case study work out
• Reading Cost mgmt. and Quality mgmt.
• KA tests
Week 4 Sat • HR management
• Stakeholder management (Remaining)
Week 4 Sun • Risk management
Homework during the week • Case study work out
• Reading HR, Stakeholder and Risk mgmt.
• KA tests
Week 5 Sat • Procurement management
Week 5 Sun • Complete walkthrough of case study, big picture, process dependencies
Homework during the week • Case study work out
• Carry out focused revisions
• Take a KA Test and a full test
Week 6 Sat • Re-revision of important areas
Week6 Sun • Walk-thru of mug up table and important highlights
Homework during the week • Up to you
Good luck for the exam ☺


Homework as on 21st Jan 2018:

Study your text book (Rita or Headfirst PMP) for the areas of Identify stakeholders, Communication management, Scope Management and 5 processes of Time management.

Work out case study:

  • Write a small note on the cell next to the process in the Excel sheet “PMBoKTableForCaseStudy” of the file HomeworkMegafile.xlsx 
  • Write a detailed note on the separate sheet marked for each KA. Refer to an example workout sheet.
  • In this week:
    • Write a note on project charter
    • Write a small scope WBS
    • Identify stakeholders and classify them according to PI grid
    • Create a communication plan
    • Write an activity list for the team
  • Note down an approximate time by when you will carry out a specific process in the sheet “Timeline” of the above file.

Revise Prep aids for the KAs – Communication Management, Scope Management, Time Management.

Take KA based tests for Communication Management, Scope Management

Revise PMBoK for the KAs – Communication Management, Scope Management, Time Management.

Homework as on 14th Jan 2018:

  • Register on PMI website
  • Pay PMI member fee
  • Wait for confirmation email from PMI that you have become a member
  • Fill up the PMP eligibility applicatio
    • Consult Nagaraj if required
  • Submit the application
  • Read your reference for Integration Management, Stakeholder management (Identify stakeholder process) and Communication management
  • Apply Integration Management, Communication Management and Stakeholder management lessons to the case study –
  • Update your list of activities,
    • Identify stakeholders and develop a PI grid
    • Create stakeholder register
    • Create a communications plan
  • Review prep aids for the 3 Kas
  • Take KA tests
  • Read PMBoK for the 3 K

Case study

  • You are working in a project team within a development center in India. A high-profile team from your customer organization is planning a visit to India that includes not only your project review but also many business meetings as well.
  • There are many business deals lined up and your BU managers want the customer team to be pampered to the hilt so that they would be pleased to sign the deal.
  • Your PM has identified you as the head volunteer to plan and execute a one day out-location trip for your customer team. The customer visit is one month away.
  • Please follow the instructions from time to time to work on this event project.


Mug up tables / ready reckoner
Process priority chart
Knowledge Area Revision Summaries


Integration Management
Scope Management
Time Management
Cost Management
Quality Management
Human Resource Management
Communication Management
Risk Management
Procurement Management
Stakeholder Management