13.1 Identify stakeholders


Project charter

Procurement documents

Enterprise Environmental Factors

Organizational Process Assets


Tools and Techniques

Stakeholder analysis

Stakeholder analysis is a technique of systematically gathering and analyzing quantitative and qualitative information to determine whose interests should be taken into account throughout the project.

Following are some of the stakeholder analysis techniques:

  • Power/interest grid, grouping the stakeholders based on their level of authority (“power”) and their level or concern (“interest”) regarding the project outcomes;
  • Power/influence grid, grouping the stakeholders based on their level of authority (“power”) and their active involvement (“influence”) in the project;
  • Influence/impact grid, grouping the stakeholders based on their active involvement (“influence”) in the project and their ability to effect changes to the project’s planning or execution (“impact”); and
  • Salience model, describing classes of stakeholders based on their power (ability to impose their will), urgency (need for immediate attention), and legitimacy (their involvement is appropriate).


Expert judgment


Please refer to the common ITTO section


Stakeholder register

A document that contains all details related to the identified stakeholders including, but not limited to:

  • Identification information. Name, organizational position, location, role in the project, contact information;
  • Assessment information. Major requirements, main expectations, potential influence in the project, phase in the life cycle with the most interest; and
  • Stakeholder classification. Internal/external, supporter/neutral/resistor, etc.

13.2 Plan stakeholder engagement


Project management plan

Stakeholder register

Enterprise Environmental Factors

Organizational Process Assets


Please refer to the previous section and common ITTO section.

Tools and Techniques

Expert judgment


Analytical techniques

  • Involves a stakeholder engagement matrix where the status of engagement of a stakeholder is classified into one of the five – unware, resistant, neutral, supportive, leading
  • Each stakeholder’s current level of engagement and desired level of engagement are marked in this matrix and engagement strategies are planned and documented.



Stakeholder management plan

Project document updates

13.3 Manage stakeholder engagement


Stakeholder management plan

Communications management plan

Change log

Organizational process assets

Tools and Techniques

Communication methods

The methods of communication identified for each stakeholder in the communications management plan are utilized during stakeholder engagement management.

Interpersonal skills

  • Building trust,
  • Resolving conflict,
  • Active listening, and
  • Overcoming resistance to change.


Management skills

  • Facilitate consensus toward project objectives,
  • Influence people to support the project,
  • Negotiate agreements to satisfy the project needs, and
  • Modify organizational behavior to accept the project outcomes.


Issue log

Change requests

Project management plan updates

Project documents updates

Organizational process assets updates


13.4 Monitor stakeholder engagement


Project management plan

Issue log

Work performance data

Project document


Please refer to previous section and the common ITTO section.

Tools and Techniques

Information management systems

Expert judgment


Please refer to previous sections and common ITTOs


Work performance information

Change requests

Project management plan updates

Project documents updates

Organizational process assets updates


Please refer to previous sections and common ITTOs

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