11.1 Plan Risk management

11.1 Plan Risk Management

InputsTools and techniquesOutputs
Project management plan Analytical techniquesRisk management plan
Project charterExpert judgment
Stakeholder registerMeetings
Enterprise environmental factors
Organizational process assets


Project management plan

Project Charter

Stakeholder register

Enterprise Environmental Factors

Organizational Process Assets


Please refer to the common ITTOs

Tools and Techniques

Analytical techniques

Expert judgment



Please refer to the common ITTO section


Risk management plan

A document that explains how to identify risks, prioritize them, respond to them and monitor and control them. This document stipulates the conventions for categorizing the identified risks, how risk probability and impacts are scored and how the risk is prioritized based on the PI scores and what type of responses are necessary for risks of what priority.

11.2 Identify risks

11.2 Identify Risks

InputsTools and techniquesOutputs
Risk management plan Document reviewsRisk register
Cost management planInformation gathering techniques
Schedule management planChecklist analysis
Quality management planAssumptions analysis
Human resource management planDiagramming techniques
Scope baselineSWOT analysis
Activity cost estimatesExpert judgment
Activity duration estimates
Stakeholder register
Project documents
Procurement documents
Enterprise environmental factors
Organizational process assets


Risk management plan

Cost management management plan

Schedule management plan

Quality management plan

Human resource management plan

Scope baseline

Activity cost estimates

Activity duration estimates

Stakeholder register

Project documents

Procurement documents

Enterprise environmental factors

Organizational process assets

Tools and Techniques

Documentation reviews

Information gathering techniques

  • Brainstorming – Used for idea generation
  • Delphi technique – Anonymity is a key in this technique. The Delphi technique is a way to reach a consensus of experts. Project risk experts participate in this technique anonymously. A facilitator uses a questionnaire to solicit ideas about the important project risks. The responses are summarized and are then recirculated to the experts for further comment. Consensus may be reached in a few rounds of this process.
  • Interviewing
  • Root cause analysis


Checklist analysis

Risk identification checklists are developed based on historical information and knowledge that has been accumulated from previous similar projects and from other sources of information. The lowest level of the RBS can also be used as a risk checklist.


Assumptions analysis

Every project and its plan is conceived and developed based on a set of hypotheses, scenarios, or assumptions. Assumptions analysis explores the validity of assumptions as they apply to the project. It identifies risks to the project from inaccuracy, instability, inconsistency, or incompleteness of assumptions.


Diagramming techniques

  • Cause and effect diagram
  • System or process flow charts
  • Influence diagrams – These are graphical representations of situations showing causal influences, time ordering of events, and other relationships among variables and outcomes


SWOT Analysis

This technique examines the project from each of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) perspectives to increase the breadth of identified risks by including internally generated risks. The technique starts with identification of strengths and weaknesses of the organization, focusing on either the project, organization, or the business area in general. SWOT analysis then identifies any opportunities for the project that arise from organizational strengths, and any threats arising from organizational weaknesses. The analysis also examines the degree to which organizational strengths offset threats, as well as identifying opportunities that may serve to overcome weaknesses.


Expert judgment



Risk register

A document that is progressively filled and contains information about risks. Typically, it contains a list of identified risks, priorities and potential responses.



11.3 Perform qualitative risk analysis

11.3 Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis

InputsTools and techniquesOutputs
Risk management plan Risk probability and impact assessmentProject documents updates
Scope baselineProbability and impact matrix
Risk registerRisk data quality assessment
Enterprise environmental factorsRisk categorization
Organizational process assetsRisk urgency assessment
Expert judgment


Risk Management Plan

Scope baseline

Risk register




Please refer to previous section and the common ITTO section.

Tools and Techniques

Risk probability and impact assessment

Risks have a probability of occurrence and an impact on project objectives. These have to be assessed in order to prioritize them.

Probability and impact matrix

Risks can be prioritized for further quantitative analysis based on their risk rating which will be based on their scores on probability and impact. This is determined through a probability and impact matrix.

Risk data quality assessment

Risk data quality assessment is a technique to evaluate the degree to which the data about risks is useful for risk management. It involves examining the degree to which the risk is understood and the accuracy, quality, reliability, and integrity of the data about the risk.

Risk categorization

Risks to the project can be categorized by sources of risk (e.g., using the RBS), the area of the project affected (e.g., using the WBS), or other useful categories (e.g., project phase) to determine the areas of the project most exposed to the effects of uncertainty.

Risk urgency assessment

Risks requiring near-term responses may be considered more urgent to address. Indicators of priority may include probability of detecting the risk, time to affect a risk response, symptoms and warning signs, and the risk rating.

Expert judgment



Project Document Updates

Please refer the common ITTOs

11.4 Perform quantitative risk analysis

11.4 Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis

InputsTools and techniquesOutputs
Risk management planData gathering and representation techniquesProject documents updates
Cost management plan Quantitative risk analysis and modeling techniques
Schedule management planExpert judgment
Risk register
Enterprise environmental factors
Organizational process assets


Risk management plan

Cost management plan

Schedule management plan

Risk register



Please refer to the common ITTO section

Tools and Techniques

Data gathering and representation techniques

Data has to be gatered about risks in order to carry out a quantitative analysis. Some of the techniques are Interviewing to draw from historical information about probability and impact, Probability distributions through simulation modeling.

Quantitative risk analysis and modeling techniques

  • Sensitivity analysis represented using Tornado diagrams
  • Expected monetary value analysis represented using decision trees
  • Modeling and simulation techniques such as Monte Carlo analysis

Expert Judgment

Please refer to the common ITTO section



Project Document Updates

The risk register is updated with the risk quantitative information.

11.5 Plan risk responses

11.5 Plan Risk Responses

InputsTools and techniquesOutputs
Risk management planStrategies for negative risks or threatsProject management plan updates
Risk registerStrategies for positive risks or opportunitiesProject documents updates
Contingent response strategies
Expert judgment


Risk Management Plan

Risk register

Tools and Techniques

Strategies for negative risks or threats

  • Avoid – Risk avoidance is a risk response strategy whereby the project team acts to eliminate the threat or protect the project from its impact.
  • Transfer – Risk transference is a risk response strategy whereby the project team shifts the impact of a threat to a third party, together with ownership of the response.
  • Mitigate – Risk mitigation is a risk response strategy whereby the project team acts to reduce the probability of occurrence or impact of a risk.
  • Accept – Risk acceptance is a risk response strategy whereby the project team decides to acknowledge the risk and not take any action unless the risk occurs. Passive acceptance involves just documenting the risk and plan a response when the risk occurs while active acceptance involves keeping aside some contingency reserves to deal with this risk.

Strategies for positive risks or opportunities

  • Exploit – The exploit strategy may be selected for risks with positive impacts where the organization wishes to ensure that the opportunity is realized. This strategy seeks to eliminate the uncertainty associated with a particular upside risk by ensuring the opportunity definitely happens.
  • Enhance – The enhance strategy is used to increase the probability and/or the positive impacts of an opportunity. Identifying and maximizing key drivers of these positive-impact risks may increase the probability of their occurrence.
  • Share – Sharing a positive risk involves allocating some or all of the ownership of the opportunity to a third party who is best able to capture the opportunity for the benefit of the project.
  • Accept – Accepting an opportunity is being willing to take advantage of the opportunity if it arises, but not actively pursuing it.


Contingent response strategies

Some responses are designed for use only if certain events occur. For some risks, it is appropriate for the project team to make a response plan that will only be executed under certain predefined conditions, if it is believed that there will be sufficient warning to implement the plan

Expert judgment

Please refer to previous sections and common ITTOs


Project management plan updates

Schedule, cost, quality, procurement, HR management plans and scope, schedule, cost baselines are all updated based on the risk responses.


Project document updates

Assumptions logs, technical documents etc. are updated.

11.6 Implement risk responses


Project Management Plan

Project Documents

  • Risk register


Please refer to previous sections and common ITTOs

Tools and Techniques

Expert judgment

Interpersonal and team skills

Project management information systems


Change requests

Project Document Updates

11.7 Monitor risks

11.6 Control Risks

InputsTools and techniquesOutputs
Risk management planRisk reassessmentWork performance information
Risk registerRisk auditsChange requests
Work performance dataVariance and trend analysisProject management plan updates
Work performance reportsTechnical performance measurementProject documents updates
Reserve analysisOrganizational process assets updates


Project Management Plan

Risk register

Work performance data

Work performance reports

Please refer to previous sections and common ITTOs

Tools and Techniques

Risk reassessment

Control Risks often results in identification of new risks, reassessment of current risks, and the closing of risks that are outdated.

Risk audits

Risk audits examine and document the effectiveness of risk responses in dealing with identified risks and their root causes, as well as the effectiveness of the risk management process.

Variance and trend analysis

Analysis of variance between the baseline and actual performance.

Technical performance measurement

Technical performance measurement compares technical accomplishments during project execution to the schedule of technical achievement. For instance, measurement of SPI and CPI.

Reserve analysis

Throughout execution of the project, some risks may occur with positive or negative impacts on budget or schedule contingency reserves. Reserve analysis compares the amount of the contingency reserves remaining to the amount of risk remaining at any time in the project in order to determine if the remaining reserve is adequate.



Work performance information

Change requests

Project management plan updates

Project Document Updates

OPA updates

Please refer to previous sections and common ITTOs


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